MWII is easily the most hyped Call of Duty game in recent memory, and for a good reason - the past two Call of Duty games haven’t sold as well as expected. While Activision isn’t worried that Call of Duty is losing players, it’s a trend that the company will want to end soon. MW2 hopes to change that, much like how 2019’s Modern Warfare and 2020’s Warzone set a new standard for the franchise going forward. To do this, Activision and Infinity might want to pack the game with the best Call of Duty modes. Capture the Flag and Domination are very popular within the Call of Duty community. The former, in particular, is usually featured in competitive circles. However, with Vanguard and recent outings foregoing Capture the Flag altogether, the Call of Duty League has had to adjust and use only Hardpoint, Search and Destroy, and Control. If we believe the recent tease, both game modes will be in Modern Warfare II and possibly, the Call of Duty League.

— Hope (@TheGhostOfHope) September 10, 2022 As we inch closer to the release of Modern Warfare 2, we’re bound to hear more about the game. Thankfully, most of it should be legitimate if only because they’re most likely coming from people who’ve had a chance to playtest MW2 ahead of everyone else. Speaking of playtests, the multiplayer beta for MW2 is almost here. PlayStation owners who pre-ordered MWII will get access as early as on the 16th until the 17th while the gates will open for free for the other non-paying PlayStation owners on the 18th until the 20th. On the other hand, those on other platforms who pre-ordered MWII will have to wait until the 22nd to join in the fun. Finally, all players can test out MWII starting on the 24th. That’s ten days in total (16 to 26) that a mix of players will be able to put MWII through the paces. If nothing else, this should give Activision and Infinity plenty of data to crunch a month ahead of the game’s release. In the meantime, Call of Duty fans can keep themselves busy with some PlayStation x Xbox drama courtesy of Phil Spencer and Jim Ryan.

Fan favorite modes might be coming to Modern Warfare 2 at launch - 83Fan favorite modes might be coming to Modern Warfare 2 at launch - 45