GameStop hasn’t commented on the incident yet, but users report the retailer leaked customer details online. A glitch in the retailer’s online database gave shoppers access to the names, orders, addresses, and even credit card info of other users. It’s a serious security breach. As we’ve said, you might want to get on your phone and call your bank. As of now, it’s unclear if GameStop has resolved the issue or if it’s an isolated incident that’s the result of the increased number of orders on Black Friday.

— Wario64 (@Wario64) November 26, 2022 As unfortunate as this might sound, it’s not rare for websites to leak sensitive customer information. Security breaches, malicious attacks, and sometimes, negligence, can all result in public blunders. But, it’s not every day that a glitch like this happens and consumers get access to the info of other users. You could argue that this is worse than your typical cases as it lets users edit orders and change the shipping address. Hopefully, GameStop will address the problem and find a way to prevent this kind of issue from happening again.

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