You won’t be able to plant seeds until you’ve beaten the first boss, as he drops ‘Hard Antlers’ used to make a pickaxe that is needed to mine copper and tin. But, to take down the first boss, you must be fully prepared, and food is an essential element in Valheim for survival. You can set up a fairly simple Boar breeding farm once you’ve built your simple shelter. Note that this guide is written assuming you’ve already established a basic starter base in Valheim. To create a Boar breeding farm, you must have plenty of wood, to begin with. You will need to follow a few simple steps:

Find Raspberries

First, you must find Raspberries, as these are commonly available in the vast world of Valheim. We are going with Raspberries because these are the easiest source of breeding food you can get early in the game. You can find Raspberries in the Meadow biome forests and even in the abandoned settlement farms. Gather as many as you can and then move to gather wood. Other feeding food items include Mushrooms, Carrots, and Blueberries. You can find Blueberries in the Black Forest, should you come across one early in the game. Mushrooms are found in several biomes, including the Black Forest and the Meadows.

Build a Pen

The next step is to build a pen. To build a pen, gather lots of wood by chopping down the trees, which is in abundance all around you in Valheim. A stack of wood should be good enough if you’re planning on creating a small pen. We recommend building a small pen, and later on, you can expand it as destroying structures and rebuilding is super convenient in Valheim. First, use your hoe to level the ground where you wish to build the pen. Then, switch to your hammer and navigate to the ‘Building’ tab. Here, select ‘Roundpole fence’ to create the pen. Create the pen as big or small as you wish to. Just make sure you leave spacing for a door. Navigate to the ‘Building’ tab and select the ‘Wood door.’ Place it in the spacing. Now, you will have a way to enter and exit the pen without worrying about the Boars leaving the pen.

Find and Lure Two Boars

Boars are also commonly found near the abandoned settlements and in the forests. Where ever you go, you will find two or three Boars together. You need to lure at least two Boars into your pen. Open the door of your pen and go near one of the Boars to aggravate them. Once aggressive, the Boar will chase and try to attack you. Lure the Boars into the pen and close the door. You can jump out over the fencing as well to avoid opening and closing the door again and again. Once you’ve lured two Boars into the pen successfully, we can move to the feeding and breeding part.

Feed and Breed

The Boars will be super aggressive at this point and will attack you if you are anywhere near them. You must drop the Raspberries on the ground inside the pen for the Boars to eat and start the taming process. You will see yellow hearts coming out of the Boars that indicate the taming process is on-going. You can also check the progress of the taming process by hovering your crosshair over the Boar. The taming process takes some time. It will take approximately 30 minutes for the Boars to be fully tamed. Note that as the Boars are going through the taming process, do not stay anywhere near the Boars as they will not calm down and remain aggressive. This will stop or slow the taming process. You will see their mood indicated as ‘Frightened,’ which is not what we want. A good strategy is to run far away from the pen and let them settle down. You can crouch (sneak) slightly far away from the Boars, and you will notice an eye icon. Once the eye icon disappears and flattens out, that’s when you can confirm that the Boars are not aggravated towards you anymore. Once tamed, make sure there is always some food on the ground near the Boars for them to eat and breed. You will also notice that now you will be able to pet the Boars, and their mood will change from ‘Frightened’ to ‘Happy.’ And before you know it, you will have little piggy’s spawning in the pen.

How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 88How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 6How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 44How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 61How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 49How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 98How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 70How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 25How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 95How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 72How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 23How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 85How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 60How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 47How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 96How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 82How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 30How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 2How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 95How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 77How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 88How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 69How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 29How To Tame   Breed Boars In Valheim   Full Guide - 49